The Council of Danube Cities and Regions (CoDCR) meets in Budapest for the 10th European Conference. Embedded into the program is the meeting of the extended Executive Committee of the CoDCR. Participating: STC director Jürgen Raizner, who acts as Alternate General Secretary of the CoDCR.
The CoDCR is established as a legal entity in Bucharest, Brussels and Ulm. It is agreed that a working group will revise the statute of the CoDCR. At next meeting of the Executive Committee, spring 2018, the Executive Committee will decide about the revised statute. At that occoasion membership fees will be implemented. It is proposed to organise the next meeting in Brussels, at European Council of Regions.
Another link of CoDCR with Steinbeis: the Senate of Economy Austria and Steinbeis collaborate in developing strategic projects for smart cities. The hollistic and sustainable apporach was presented to CoDCR by Jochen Resseln in a highly impressive way.