Financial Center Astana

Mrs. Zhiyenbayeva, FinTech, and STC director Raizner at AIFC Forum in Frankfurt

Attending the Astana International Financial Centre Forum in Frankfurt:  The Euro Finance Week offers the perfect setting for the presentation on how Kazakhstan wants to establish itself as a leading economic nation in Central Asia. The Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) and our STC explore the possibilities of cooperation.

FinTech is part of the AIFC and coordinates the development of technology-oriented start-up enterprises. Ms Assel Zyhiyenbayeva, Chief Digital Officer of the AIFC, and representing FinTech, impressively explained the development potential.

Previously, Kazakhstan was praised for its commitment to modernizing the economy. For 2018, far-reaching privatization pl

ans have been announced. Kazakhstan is aiming for a place among the 30 largest economies. Prof. Dr. Mangold, probably the most experienced expert of German-Kazakh economic relations, also declared the urgency to improve access to Hermes services.

STC is prepared for a commitment in Kazakhstan. An analysis of the countries potential was already developed a few years ago and helped the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education to identify cooperation opportunities. On behalf of a Kazakh government agency, the STC has elaborated recommendations how to stimulate technology transfer in Kazakhstan.

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