Romanian EUSDR National Participation Days will take place in Tulcea: 15./16.05.2019. Jürgen Raizner is speaker at session “Debate on the future of EUSDR implementation and possibilities for civil society involvement in the implementation of its activities”.
National Paricipation Days take place once a year. In 2019 the event is of special importance as EUSDR faces a revision phase. Launch of new action plan of EUSDR is announced to take place in Oktober 2019 – under the presidency of Romania. EUSDR actions help to make Danube Region a growing market what is a solid basis for a functioning civil society. Beside other responsibilities, STM acts as a sort of intermediare between business world and civil society.
Participants: civil society organisations and their networks, local actors from municipality level, academia, public authorities on local and regional level as well as national institutions active in the EUSDR and EUSDR Priority Area Coordinators (PACs).
Review: Danube Environmental Forum 2013 in Tulcea