How to do business in the ever-changing context?

Female Entrepreneurship | ifempower Winter School
Key note of the day by Juergen Raizner:  “Contextualisation of the SME

Are these the right times to become entrepreneur? When is the right time to become entrepreneur? Not the COVID19 pandemics alone might affect business activities in 2021. On the other side, international crises such as Ukraine-Russian territorial conflict, the Syrian civil war, etc. seem to be far away. Not every business is international. But existing or potential partners or customers might be affected from sanctions or disruption of supply chains resulting from such changing times. Demand is in transition on local level, too. People look more for healthy food and show interest in goods from sustainable production. Climate change is an issue of growing importance. There are also operational challenges: increasing pressure from competition, high innovation tempo, cross-sector technologies and changes on the job market. Women and men may assess the challenges differently. Certainly, both female and male entrepreneurs should perceive such changes as chances. A key competence of an entrepreneur is the ability to adapt to current market and environment challenges. A successful entrepreneur finds a way to explore opportunities. The necessary skills can be developed. Ifempower helps. Important is to know that it is certainly ok for both women and men to have different approaches towards doing business.