“The judges praised Steinbeis Transfer Management for its exceptional knowledge of various industries and markets within Central and Eastern Europe, allowing its team to provide the best possible advice and services to clients.”
First EIBPC training for high school teachers took place
Bucharest, 24.11.20: more than 20 teachers from Romanian high schools attended our online EIBPC workshop. At the workshop, teachers gained knowledge which is relevant for supporting pupils in participating at our Early Innovators Business Plan Competition.
Valahia University of Targoviste and Steinbeis Transfer Management agree to collaborate
June 24th, 2020: Laura Monica Gorghiu, rector of Valahia University of Targoviste and Juergen Raizner have concluded the discussions ocassioned by Steinbeis Transfer Management director`s visit to Targoviste on June 12th, 2020. A Memorandum of Understanding is signed in order to establish a Steinbeis Transfer Center (STC) at Valahia University of Targoviste (UVT). Continue reading “Valahia University of Targoviste and Steinbeis Transfer Management agree to collaborate”
Gender Equality in R&I. Danube Region and Balkan Region.
Belgrade, 10./11.03.2020: Training and mutual learning workshop on Gender Equality in Research and Innovation. Steinbeis project manager Roxana Boboruta presented best practice and shared experiences from implementing project “ifempower”.
Steinbeis team in Porto: good progress in ifempower
ifempower: Steinbeis in Porto, 02.02.-06.02.2020: Roxana Boboruta and Juergen Raizner present ifempower Mentorship Program. This is ready to implement now. Partner universities start ifempower entrepreneurship training. A stong collaboration with entrepreneurs is envisaged.
Applied Project Management for students
A new semester started at University Nürtingen-Geislingen (Stuttgart region | Germany). Multi-national student working groups are established to analyze status, opportunities and risks of BELT and ROAD Initiative.