Exciting developments in Romanian – Baden-Wuerttemberg relations! Chamber of Deputies’ Vice-President Lucian Bode met with a delegation led by Secretary of State Andre Baumann, discussing advancements in energy innovation, digital transportation, and European security. With them in Parliament: Members of BW-Parliament Daniel Karreis and Klaus Burger as well as Steinbeis Team Juergen Raizner and Roxana Boboruta.
Steinbeis Team in Romanian Senate
Senate President Nicolae Ciuca met with Baden-Wuerttemberg’s delegation, led by State Secretary Andre Baumann, to discuss environmental, digital, and energy collaboration. The talks focused on enhancing bilateral cooperation and learning from Germany’s green energy model, including the strong interest of Baden-Wuerttemberg to import green hydrogen. Steinbeis Team, Jürgen Raizner and Roxana Boboruta, followed the invitation to join the meeting with Mr. Ciuca.
Experience Exchange on Energy Efficiency
19.-20.04.23, Stuttgart: Steinbeis Danube Center organised an experience exchange on energy efficiency of buildings. 19 experts from Romania attended our workshop and the related site visits. In Romania there is a considerable need for investment and advisory services. Opportunities!
4th Parliamentary Hearing on nZEB Standards
nZEB Standards and Energy Efficiency
28.10.21, Bucharest: conference “nZEB Standards – Energy Efficiency and Building Materials” at the Palace of Parliament was organized by Oana Marciana Ozmen, Secretary of the Committee on Industry and Services from Romanian Parliament, Anca Dragu, President of the Romanian Senate and Sándor Bende, Chairman of the Committee on Industry and Services. Jürgen Raizner was invited as speaker.
European Climate Initiative Romania: Stakeholders Meeting
Invitation: 27.10.21 will take place “Lower Danube Stakeholders Meeting”. Event is organised in project EDAPHIC-BLOOM Danube which is funded by European Climate Initiative. Lucian Cuibus, USAMV Cluj-Napoca, will represent Steinbeis Romania at the event. Meeting will take place online. In focus: sustainable agriculture, establishing a cluster, initiating a convention on sutstainability in Danube Region. German project partner is our Steinbeis Danube Center. We look forward to meeting you at the event. Link to the registration