Partnership proposal from Azerbaijan
Steinbeis is implementing project “Fostering Development of Local Tech Startups” in Azerbaijan. Three universities in Ganja, the country’s second largest city, offer attractive cooperation opportunities: Azerbaijan State Agricultural University, Azerbaijan Technological University, Ganja State University.
EIBPC: Call for jury members
Call is open to jury members in Early Innovators Business Plan Competition. We are looking for personalities with recognised experience in entrepreneurship and business development. As member of jury you will evaluate business plans which were submitted by Romanian pupils or teams. Being Romanian speaker is mandatory.
Invitation to online event “Women in Business”
BWcon GmbH invited Juergen Raizner as speaker to the English-language online event “Women in Business”. Event takes place June 16th, 2020, at 16:00. As part of ongoing Interreg project “Women in Business”, event is fully dedicated to discuss any aspect of promoting “Female Entrepreneurship”. Continue reading “Invitation to online event “Women in Business””
Students of University Nürtingen support Early Innovators
Students at University Nürtingen (Stuttgart region) collaborate with young scientists from Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine. Best way to studying project management is to work on a real project. STM director Jürgen Raizner is leacturer at University Nürtingen. Four working groups Continue reading “Students of University Nürtingen support Early Innovators”
Being exhibitor at Start-up BW Summit 2019
Stuttgart, 01.02.2019: Steinbeis enterprises from Romania and Ukraine were exhibitors at Baden-Württemberg’s major event on start-ups, organized by the Ministry of Economics, Labor and Housing Baden-Württemberg.