DMRBW 2023

Vienna, 21.06.2023: At the opening of the Danube Macro Region Business Week (DMRBW), international experts, including Jurgen Raizner, discussed strengthening Danube connectivity. The focus was on securing global supply chains, making better use of existing potential and paying more attention to the interests of Eastern partners.

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Scientific Symposium Tulcea

Tulcea, 02.06.2022: Jurgen Raizner speaks about technology transfer at the symposium “Deltas and Wetlands”. Question to the participants: whose knowledge leads to innovations. The knowledge generated by researchers or the market knowledge of entrepreneurs?

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Strengthening the Danube Region

350 m high. Only the chimney still stands in Baia Mare. Example of the dawn of industrial innovation. Steinbeis Romania launches another project for investors.

02.05.2022, Regensburg: Strengthening the Danube Region. “The opportunities are right on our doorstep – let’s seize them!” Juergen Raizner explains what is possible. Romania as an example. A joint event of the Danube Macro Region Business Week and the OWWF Bayern e.V.

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European Climate Initiative Romania: Stakeholders Meeting

Invitation: 27.10.21 will take place “Lower Danube Stakeholders Meeting”. Event is organised in project EDAPHIC-BLOOM Danube which is funded by European Climate Initiative. Lucian Cuibus, USAMV Cluj-Napoca, will represent Steinbeis Romania at the event. Meeting will take place online. In focus:  sustainable agriculture, establishing a cluster, initiating a convention on sutstainability in Danube Region. German project partner is our Steinbeis Danube Center. We look forward to meeting you at the event. Link to the registration

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European Climate Initiative: project start Romania

22.12.2020: partners of project EDAPHIC-BLOOM DANUBE met to kick-off the new Romanian-German collaboration project of European Climate Initiative. Steinbeis is represented in the project by German Steinbeis Danube Center, the non-profit unit in the group of Steinbeis enterprises, managed by Jurgen Raizner. Also involved in implementing the project is Steinbeis’ junior international consultant Roxana Boboruta.

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