BMW decided to set-up the new factory for manufacturing about 150,000 cars per year in Debrecen, Hungary. There are reasons why this investment is not done in Romania – worth to be discussed separately. However, suppliers from Romania Continue reading “BMW: Romania, Slovakia, Hungary?”
Online platform “Recytrader” with new functions
NEW: A helpful tool is added to Recytrader. This component is particularly interesting for those companies who offer frequently large quantities of waste or secondary raw materials. Framework contracts for one or several years can be Continue reading “Online platform “Recytrader” with new functions”
Romanian Mayors in Ulm
The Extended Executive Committee of the Council of Danube Cities and Regions (CoDCR) meets in Ulm. Jürgen Raizner, also director of the Steinbeis Enterprise in Romania, welcomes the mayors of 4 Romanian Danube cities. Representatives from 10 countries Continue reading “Romanian Mayors in Ulm”
Knowledge Management in Enterprises
Kick-off-Meeting in Budapest. The quantity of data in enterprises is growing significantly, particularly in those enterprises what implement Web 2.0 or Industry 4.0. All these data are elaborated according the challenges to Continue reading “Knowledge Management in Enterprises”