nZEB Standards and Energy Efficiency

28.10.21, Bucharest: conference “nZEB Standards – Energy Efficiency and Building Materials” at the Palace of Parliament was organized by Oana Marciana Ozmen, Secretary of the Committee on Industry and Services from Romanian Parliament, Anca Dragu, President of the Romanian Senate and Sándor Bende, Chairman of the Committee on Industry and Services. Jürgen Raizner was invited as speaker.

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Early Innovators: Kosice

Steinbeis Team in Kosice
Steinbeis Team in Kosice

15.10.2018, Kosice: Early Innovators meeting took place in Slovakia to bring knowledge on entrepreneurship to young scientists. Another major step in European Early Innovators Innitiative. We thank our project partner NGO Common Regions for bringing the right people together.

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Female Power

A new project of our partner Transfer Center in Germany: Interactive and mentorship based female empowerment in the field of entrepreneurship. The project aims to support young women in becomming successful entrepreneurs. Among the 9 project partners: a Romanian university! Implementation period: 2018-2021.

A project description follows soon.