The Steinbeis Netzwork in Romania is growing. Architecture and Urbanism are thematic priorities of the new Transfer Center that is established in Bucharest. Significant competences will be added to the services in field of economic promotion. The new STC is established at the University of Architecture Continue reading “Expanding competences in Romania”
Steinbeis Inhouse Training on Administrative and Financial Project Management in Horizon 2020
Our Steinbeis team is acting in an ongoing learning modus. On the 6th of April in the city of Mannheim, Ana Turcan and Jürgen Raizner, both directors of Steinbeis Donau Zentrum, took some insights on how Continue reading “Steinbeis Inhouse Training on Administrative and Financial Project Management in Horizon 2020”
An impressive Steinbeis Engineering Day
Smart manufacturing connectivity, industrial field sensors, micro test beds, industry 4.0 production performance management, communication and control for microgrid applications, data glasses – are only some of the Continue reading “An impressive Steinbeis Engineering Day”
Knowledge Management in Enterprises
Kick-off-Meeting in Budapest. The quantity of data in enterprises is growing significantly, particularly in those enterprises what implement Web 2.0 or Industry 4.0. All these data are elaborated according the challenges to Continue reading “Knowledge Management in Enterprises”
Alpine Space Program: Fostering Innovation
Challenges are identified. “Name your mountains” was the title of an workshop about framework conditions for innovation in Alpine Region. In Milano, March 21st/22nd participants from 7 countries Continue reading “Alpine Space Program: Fostering Innovation”
Cyber Security: STZ bringt Innovationen von Safetech nach Deutschland
Der kontrolliert ausgeführte Penetrationstest wird es zeigen: Ihr Unternehmen ist hinreichend geschützt oder Sie sind ernsthaft gefährdet. Cyber-Attacken werden zunehmend existenzbedrohend. Über unser STZ erhalten Sie Continue reading “Cyber Security: STZ bringt Innovationen von Safetech nach Deutschland”