Investment Management Exhibition 2018


20./21.03.2018, Frankfurt: Jürgen Raizner is once more speaker at the top event on investment and global business. This year edition of IME bridges the investment gap between EU and China towards a new European-Chinese Investment Partnership for the development of Central Asia, the Caucasus, Ukraine, the Balkans and Turkey.

Investment Management Exhibition 2018 is a highly efficient networking platform for project owners and investors in the fields of real-estate,  ICT, agriculture, industry, logistics and PPPs. The event fosters networking between cities, regions, countries and entrepreneurs for the purpose of company settlement and attracting foreign direct Investment in economic zones.

Due to our active participation at IME, our Steinbeis Transfer Center is available for questions or any discussion regarding this grant societal challenge what is tacklet by the event. Detailed information will be presented soon on our website. Event Website:

Who will you meet at IME 2018?

Institutional Investors: Banks, Financial Institutions, Investment Companies, Fund Management Companies, private investors, Pension Funds, Venture Capitalists, Insurance Companies, Hedge Funds, Private Equity Investors, Asset Management Companies, Sovereign Wealth Funds

Public Private Units: Economic Free Zones/ Industry Parks

Cities & Regional Authorities: Investment Promotion Agencies at central and local level, Location Marketing Agencies, Regional Development and Investment Zones

Service Providers: Real Estate Developers, R&D, Architects, Designers, Urban Planners, Real Estate Owners, Consultants, Construction Companies