BWcon GmbH invited Juergen Raizner as speaker to the English-language online event “Women in Business”. Event takes place June 16th, 2020, at 16:00. As part of ongoing Interreg project “Women in Business”, event is fully dedicated to discuss any aspect of promoting “Female Entrepreneurship”.
In addition to international project partners, women entrepreneurs, women interested in starting a business, institutions and networks that support women founders and anyone interested in the topic of female entrepreneurship are cordially invited.
Project aims to bring:
- policy improvements to be aligned to their needs of women in Danube region;
- development of innovative solutions and training models for improvement of the entrepreneurial culture, skills and competencies among them
Juergen Raizner will contribute to the event with solutions, elaborated in project “ifempower” to which Steinbeis is the partner responsible for a new mentorship program which will be piloted at partnering universities. Exchange of experiences between “Women in Business” and “ifempower” will take place during online event in such a way that participants will benefit from shared knowledge.